Level 2 French 2025
Course Description
Teacher in Charge: Anna O'Farrell, Maurice Nelson.
In Level 2 French you start to move beyond the familiar and discover more complex language which allows you to communicate with greater fluency and explore your personal views and perspectives, as well as support and challenge those of others on a variety of topics.
We use a mix of authentic resources, games and French foreign language resources to explore language throughout the year. Topics include: Personal and Family Relationships; a French film study; a study on diversity and society in France; Francophone countries around the world.
Level 2 French uses a blended learning approach where there is a solid balance of face-to-face interaction and online delivery of instruction and content. As a student moving through a topic on a daily basis, they will have a degree of control over their learning in each of the skill areas. B
By pursuing French, they will gain valuable language skills that will be of benefit in multiple careers such as travel and tourism, law, business and communication. Language learners are proven to be highly effective communicators and decision-makers, with strong perceptive abilities, which are important skills needed in our future workforce. Let us also not forget the beauty of the language and the sophistication of French culture.
View Level 2 French video here
Recommended Prior Learning
Level 1 French, or at the discretion of the Head of Department for French
Contributions and Equipment/Stationery
Course Cost: $10
Credit Information
You will be assessed in this course through all or a selection of the standards listed below.
This course is eligible for Subject Endorsement.
French 2.1 - Demonstrate understanding of a variety of spoken French texts on familiar matters
French 2.3 - Interact using spoken French to share information and justify ideas and opinions in different situations
French 2.2 - Give a spoken presentation in French that communicates information, ideas and opinions
French 2.4 - Demonstrate understanding of a variety of written and/or visual French text(s) on familiar matters
French 2.5 - Write a variety of text types in French to convey information, ideas, and opinions in genuine contexts
Course Videos
- Availability of all courses is subject to student numbers and staffing
- Some courses will not be available if numbers are too small
- Some classes may be combined by Year level (e.g. Year 11 and 12 in one class) if numbers do not make separate classes viable
- It may not be possible to accommodate all choices and combinations of subjects
- Parents/Caregivers and students need to satisfy themselves that a chosen course meets the student’s goals for the following year and beyond