Level 1 Food Technology 2025

Course Description

Teacher in Charge:

In Level 1 Food Technology, students will embark on an investigation of materials and ingredients across a large range of recipes.

There are two key units which will draw from creative, current chefs as well as design principles to influence their thinking around food product development.  They will explore functional modelling and develop a design portfolio that will see them engaging critically in technological processes that support the development of a product and a range of processing methods to produce a recipe outcome that is fit for consumers within a determined context. 

View Level 1 Food Technology video here


Students will be given the opportunity to sit literacy/numeracy co-requisites from Year 10.

NCEA Level 1 - following the completion of the first year of implementation of the reduced and revised standards, we will evaluate assessments for 2025.

Recommended Prior Learning

Year 10 Food or Material Technology, or at the discretion of the Head of Department for Technology



  • Availability of all courses is subject to student numbers and staffing
  • Some courses will not be available if numbers are too small 
  • Some classes may be combined by Year level (e.g. Year 11 and 12 in one class) if numbers do not make separate classes viable 
  • It may not be possible to accommodate all choices and combinations of subjects 
  • Parents/Caregivers and students need to satisfy themselves that a chosen course meets the student’s goals for the following year and beyond